Celebrating backbone of our community 

Volunteers bring a diverse range of skills and experience to our community here at Red Energy Arena, and it’s time to celebrate their contributions. 

National Volunteer Week runs from Monday 20 May until Saturday 26 May, and this year’s theme is Something for everyone

The theme is an invitation to explore the myriad of opportunities available, emphasising that there’s a place for everyone in the world of volunteering. 

For Kelly McDermott, the Bendigo Basketball Association’s treasurer, volunteering gives her an opportunity to support our community’s young people. 

“I have always said, in any capacity I have volunteered, I do it for all the children,” Kelly says. 

“Without Volunteers the athletes would not be able to participate in their chosen sport at an affordable cost.” 

“I enjoy seeing team development and happy kids in sport. 

“I really enjoy seeing the progression of the athletes along the pathway and the goals they pursue and achieve.” 

Kelly is just one of the hundreds of people who support our events and competitions. 

“I am continually amazed at the willingness of so many people to volunteer their time and money for the betterment of others in sporting activities,” Red Energy Arena General Manager – Sport Craig Armstead says. 

“Our volunteers are the backbone of our sporting programs at Red Energy Arena. 

“Their dedication and hard work make a huge impact on the success of our community sports initiatives. 

“We are thankful for their contributions, which ensure that everyone can enjoy and benefit from participating in organised sports.” 

Research done in recent years shows around a quarter of the Australian population volunteers in a formal capacity. 

So if you would like to follow your passion and contribute here at Red Energy Arena, contact us at sports.office@bendigostadium.com.au

Or if you’d like to learn more about National Volunteer Week, you can visit Volunteering Australia’s website

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